7 Facebook security tweaks to keep artists, songwriters safe

How to make Facebook work for you, not against you.

Exposure. That’s something every ambitious artist and songwriter strives to achieve.

Exposure is essential. It’s all about getting noticed and spreading the word about your creative output. However, there’s a fine line between exposure and being exposed. Whereas exposure is good, being exposed is bad, and can turn out to be very bad indeed. In case you hadn’t noticed, there are some pretty seedy people lurking out there in cyberspace.

Ensuring your personal security and guarding your privacy while promoting yourself is important for every singer and songwriter, but it should be of particular concern to parents who are guiding the careers of their minor children.

Ask yourself this question: When did I last review my security and privacy settings on my Facebook page?  If the answer is “Not for some time” (or worse still, “Never”) here are a few quick and easy ways to be sure that your security is all that it should be.

1. Find your security settings

To get started, go to your Facebook page and look for the little ‘downward-pointing’ arrow icon at the top right of your page. Click on that, and then click on “Settings” at the bottom of the drop down menu. This brings up a page headed General Account Settings. Look at the menu on the left of page.  (Note: you’ll be returning to this menu for all the steps you need to follow.)

Click on ‘Security and Login.’  Here you can see where you are logged in to Facebook. Be sure that only your own devices are logged in.  There are several ways to check and increase your Facebook security on this page.

2. Change your password

Under ‘Security and Login’ click on ‘Change Password’ and click ‘Edit.’ Click ‘Save changes’ when you have completed the change.  It is a good idea to change your password frequently, at least every three months, and pick a password that is not the same as one you are using elsewhere.

Avoid using anything too obvious (such as part of your email address or the name of a pet that others might know). And always change your password immediately if you think your password has been stolen or accessed by someone else. Continue reading “7 Facebook security tweaks to keep artists, songwriters safe”